Depth First Search Leetcode Loop Matrix Recursion

Number Of Distinct Islands

if (!grid || !grid.length) return 0;

let numRows = grid.length,
numCols = grid[0].length,
LAND = 1, VISITED = 2;

function markAndVisit(row, col, island = [], level = 0) {
if (grid[row][col] === LAND) {
grid[row][col] = VISITED;
island.push('X' + level);

// up
if (row > 0 && grid[row - 1][col] === LAND) {
island.push('U' + level);
markAndVisit(row - 1, col, island, level + 1);

// down
if (row < numRows - 1 && grid[row + 1][col] === LAND) {
island.push('D' + level);
markAndVisit(row + 1, col, island, level + 1);

// left
if (col > 0 && grid[row][col - 1] === LAND) {
island.push('L' + level);
markAndVisit(row, col - 1, island, level + 1);

// right
if (col < numCols - 1 && grid && grid[row][col + 1] === LAND) {
island.push('R' + level);
markAndVisit(row, col + 1, island, level + 1);

return island;

let islands = new Set();
for (let row = 0; row < numRows;row++) {
for (let col = 0; col < numCols;col++) {
if (grid[row][col] === LAND) {
let island = markAndVisit(row, col);
// console.log(island);
if (island.length) islands.add(island.join(''));

// console.table(grid);
return islands.size;

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